These seasonal posters were produced approximately every 3 months for distribution to Best Friends Pet Care locations nationwide. Often focused around a theme related to the upcoming season, the marketing team collaborated on a message that could be used to promote the services offered including boarding, grooming, training, doggy day camp, and the service known as Play & Stay.

Preparation would begin approximately 1 1/2 months prior to distribution where the marketing team – consisting of myself, the Digital Marketing Manager, and the Vice President of Marketing – would brainstorm on a message we wanted to focus on for the season. We then all searched for stock photography with a focus on candid or sentimental imagery over that which looked staged for our posters. The Digital Marketing Manager would develop a first draft of the messaging to be used on the main poster as well as supporting text which we would work as a group to refine and polish.

We would all search for imagery and collaboratively agree on the final 4-5 images to use in the locations. As the Marketing Associate/Graphic Designer, I was responsible for creating the final composite graphics applying the appropriate message to each image selected and scaling them up to 4 different sizes, the largest being 45″ wide by 32″ tall.

I would prepare the files for print and place the order, providing an excel sheet of the total poster count for each of the 5 styles in 4 different sizes approximately 3-4 weeks prior to the in-location date. Allowing 2 weeks for printing, we would then ship the posters over the course of the remaining 1-2 weeks to 43 pet boarding locations and up to 3 veterinary locations.

Each season provided some variation, with the addition and closing of a few locations, and having to ensure we ordered the proper number of the 5 designs in 4 different sizes to allow each location to receive the proper number and size of posters, but it was always a relief to see the last posters shipped out and see the photos of them in-location in the following weeks!